Thursday, June 27

The next-generation WWE wrestler who inspired Bray Wyatt’s gimmick

WWEThe next generation era paved the way for many exciting superstars to become legendary performers in the business. However, this generation from the early to mid-1990s was also known for the many over-the-top cartoon characters that appeared on WWE TV. And while many of these characters were universally panned by fans and critics alike, some felt that certain gimmicks had a chance to achieve a certain level of success. One such gimmick was Waylon Mercy, played by wrestling veteran Dan Spivey, who ultimately became the influential figure for the Bray Wyatt character many years later.

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The cartoony gimmicks of WWE’s next generation era

In the early to mid-1990s, WWE ushered in the Next Generation Era, where the company introduced a new generation of top talent on WWE TV. Due to moments like Shawn Michaels winning his first WWE Championship at WrestleMania 12, the Next Generation Era is mostly looked upon with great fondness after all these years.

Waylon Mercy Posing

However, the Next Generation Era also paved the way for a lot of ridiculous gimmicks that fans and critics alike still remember, albeit not in a good way. When it comes to the goofy characters of the 1990s, many fans are reminded of characters like The Goon and Mantaur, as these are just a few examples of wacky characters who had little to no chance of long-term success. As fans of the 1990s turned from cartoony gimmicks to edgier programming, which explains the launch of Attitude Era in 1997, goofy characters with little appeal didn’t work with an evolving fanbase.

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Dan Spivey wrestled as Waylon Mercy in 1995

Although there were plenty of 1990s gimmicks that were short-lived, one such character that arguably had potential was Waylon Mercy. For those who don’t know, the “Waylon Mercy” character was played by Dan Spivey, who had been in the wrestling business since he made his debut in 1983. He wrestled for numerous promotions including Jim Crockett Promotions/WCW, where he was known for teaming with Sid Vicious and “Mean” Mark Callous as The Skyscraper, and even WWE during the 1980s, where he was known for teaming with Mike Rotunda as The American Express.

waylon mercy

In June 1995, Dan Spivey returned to WWE for a second run as the newly adopted character of Waylon Mercy, based on Robert De Niro’s portrayal of “Max Cady” in the 1991 film. cape fear. Waylon Mercy would wear a Hawaiian shirt when he made his entrance while he sported a creepy mini sword tattoo on his forehead.

Before his in-ring debut, he had many vignettes where he spoke sinisterly despite appearing calm, almost as if he was leading some kind of cult. In the last frame of him before wrestling his first match, Mercy said, “lives are going to be in the hands of Waylon Mercy,” sending a chilling message to the WWE roster.

Although Waylon Mercy was a heel, he had babyface qualities. Considering that he would introduce himself smiling and go out of his way to shake hands with his opponents and even the referees, one would think that Mercy was actually a nice person. However, Mercy displayed a different behavior when it came time to fight, becoming more aggressive towards his opponents. He would apply a sleeping hold finisher, but displaying a deranged doe-eyed look as he put his opponents to sleep.

Although Waylon Mercy was forced to defeat many opponents, including a countout victory over WWE Champion Diesel in his last television match, Waylon Mercy had to retire in late 1995 due to injuries.

Dan Spivey becomes an influence on Bray Wyatt’s career

Dan Spivey’s portrayal of the “Waylon Mercy” character is fascinating because, while the gimmick didn’t mean much in WWE, considering Dan Spivey had a brief second career with the company, Waylon Mercy is said to be an influence to much. more recent. Character of Bray Wyatt, who is one of the biggest stars of modern wrestling. When Bray Wyatt first appeared on the scene, he wore many of the same features that Waylon Mercy wore in 1995, including the Hawaiian shirt.

bray wyatt and waylon mercy

Related: Bray Wyatt Vs The Undertaker: A WWE Match That Should Have Made Bray Wyatt A Megastar, But FailedIt’s also worth noting that Waylon Mercy was at the WWE Performance Center advising Bray Wyatt on his features, doing everything he can to help the next generation of talent. Considering that Bray Wyatt is a former multi-time world champion and continues to be among the most prominent performers in WWE today, it could be argued that Dan Spivey deserves even more recognition for his contributions to the Bray Wyatt persona.

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