Tuesday, June 25

10 WWE wrestlers who need new ring gear

A wrestler’s ring attire is just as crucial to a lasting career as a grand finisher or a memorable entrance song. Steve Austin’s vest, Bret Hart’s pink outfit, and Andre’s black t-shirt are just a few examples of outfits that are as iconic as the star who wore them.

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Today, WWE wrestling apparel has evolved from the wrestling boots and tights of the past. However, “evolution” does not mean every current WWE the wrestler’s outfit is great. Although John Cena made the “jorts” go from “bad ring gear” to “iconic attire”, there are plenty of wrestlers with bland or questionable ring gear who will likely be remembered as the “jorts” of this generation. This list will examine ten superstars who could benefit greatly from the new in-ring team.

10 dominik mysterio

Yes, Mysterio and his father, wrestling icon Rey Mysterio, are in a tag team unit, and it makes sense that they would dress alike. However, Dominik Mysterio’s outfit has always seemed out of place. It’s unclear if he’s going for a semi-fighter look or a Mortal Kombat outfit.

The full body suit seems like a better fit for a Power Ranger than a wrestler looking to find his way in WWE. There’s still plenty of potential for Dominik to be a star, and the new ring team could go a long way in helping him establish himself.

9 shanky

Shanky has finally started to show some personality. For too long, he existed in the background of Jinder Mahal with little to do or say. It seems that the WWE creative is taking a comedic approach with Shanky and his dance is being accepted quite well by the fans, especially in contrast to the “serious Jinder”.

Shanky’s ring team is as smooth as his character has been since his main roster debut. If he continues to move into a funnier character, the new clothes might help establish his new identity.


8 Theory

There have been rumors from fans that Theory is supposed to perform as this generation’s John Cena. While that might be a stretch, it’s clear that Mr. Money in the Bank is getting a huge boost from WWE. His current WWE attire is incredibly cartoonish.

As a heel, Theory is slowly coming out of his cartoonish identity and most of the stars of the last decade who have climbed to the top of the WWE mountain have more grounded outfits to match their grounded personas. His full costume makes him look more like a supervillain than a heel wrestler. As he continues to cement his character, Theory will serve a more grounded outfit, wherever his push takes him.

7 nikki ash

The entire Nikki gimmick has been troubled since its inception. Her “superhero” gimmick came out of nowhere and doesn’t work well in a world full of fighters. Even awarding her the Raw Women’s Championship last year did nothing to move her personality among the fans.

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He recently made a change to an “evil version” of his hero persona. Most fans didn’t care and others haven’t figured it out yet. Nikki is a talented wrestler and a new outfit (and perhaps a complete gimmick change) could help ASH re-establish himself with the WWE public.

6 corbin happy

Corbin’s wrestling outfit has been just as bad as his gimmick. The fans get it, he’s a rich guy who fights in Versace gear. For whatever reason, the outfit has always felt strange. Rey Mysterio’s wrestlers wear Gucci and Louis Vuitton masks and outfits all the time, and function as a wrestling team. Happy Corbin hasn’t found that mix yet.

If you’re going to continue the “Happy Corbin” persona, finding outfits that help you stand out without looking like a Beverly Hills mannequin might help you move your stalled gimmick.

5 i sing holland

Holland’s outfit had little evolution from NXT to the main WWE roster. Adding a golfer’s hat had done little to sell her bland appearance. Another issue with his outfit is how similar it is to his stablemate Sheamus. The Brawling Brutes (Holland, Sheamus, and Butch) have had trouble getting past him, with Holland having the worst outfit of the bunch.

He has great size and strength and could have a great career in WWE, but he barely stands out. A new outfit, beyond a Newsies hat, could help him establish himself in The Brawling Brutes and WWE in general.

4 Ezequiel

Although Ezekiel’s story is silly, it has been entertaining thanks to Kevin Owens. Ezekiel is still trying to establish himself beyond being “Elijah’s brother.” His in-ring attire, which is a nod to the Ultimate Warrior, does little to establish Ezekiel as more than just another WWE wrestler.

If he were to lean towards the Warrior aspect, it could start off as is, but if they’re looking to establish him as a fighter with any dimension, a new look could help him evolve beyond being a twin brother.

3 Reggie

Reggie has shown too many signs of being a great fighter to be stuck in the 24/7 division for so long. Although fighting in a suit worked well for him when he first debuted it, at this point, the suit has become trite.

He is extremely athletic and the dichotomy between the suit and his gymnastics does not fit well. Reggie already has plenty of swag and a fresh look and perhaps a change outside of the 24/7 title space could serve him well.

two Ciampa

Ciampa has struggled to shine on WWE’s main roster. A big mistake was changing his theme song but keeping his NXT outfit upon arrival. Ciampa looks like a worse NXT character version of him and an outfit change could help him stand out on a packed mid-card roster.

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Aside from his beard, very little about him tells fans anything about who he is. The new in-ring team could help Ciampa begin to establish himself as the mid-card star he has the potential to be.

1 Angel

The Lotharios have had trouble getting over the crowd primarily because they’re pulling the stereotypical “latin lover” stunt that hasn’t worked in decades. He and his partner Humberto are talented, but they are a long way from reaching the top of the tag team division.

Humberto’s outfit isn’t bad, but Angel’s skimpy underwear doesn’t help them turn the “Latin lover” gimmick into anything special. He has a face that stands out, but his outfit needs an update or a complete overhaul.

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